In the last decades’ Corporate Sustainability and ESG are receiving increased attention from the public, regulatory bodies as well as investors. A company’s environmental, social, and governance risks (and opportunities) management, as well as its performance in those areas,  are evaluated along with its financial performance and risk management.

This can be illustrated by the many frameworks, standards, and guidelines development initiatives that exist regarding sustainability and ESG issues, such as the UN SDGs, the GRI and SASB standards, the TCFD guidelines, and the new EFRAG standards that the EU will adopt etc. 

A company’s corporate sustainability involves many business processes at all levels of the company. Those include processes that have a role to play in the company’s overall performance, such as:

A large number of issues must be taken into consideration, and include:

  • Corporate Governance policies and processes,
  • Compliance,
  • Human Rights,
  • Labor Practices,
  • Environmental issues,
  • Operating Practices,
  • Customer Issues,
  • Stakeholder Involvement,
  • Value chain evaluation,
  • Verified Sustainability Reports

The mishandling of such issues poses severe compliance, environmental, reputational, and financial risks for a company.

Banks and funds are required to invest in sustainable companies and projects and include ESG issues in their clients’ evaluations

Sustainability issues should be constantly managed, monitored, evaluated, and improved including a company’s performance, risks, and opportunities in sustainability areas, as well as in its entire value chain.

Strategic planning and risk management processes nowadays, include ESG issues by market leaders globally. Companies that don’t include them, run a risk of being excluded from International Markets and face difficulties in finding funding.

This website was developed having in mind the Sustainability Professional and with the aim to be populated with all the relevant data on Corporate Sustainability and ESG in one place for ease of reference. It links to all major sources of information on sustainability so that sustainability professionals can have a knowledge hub available, that will lead them to find all the required data and information for a successful sustainability journey.

We will try to add more relevant data on sustainability elements and aspects as the website develops and improve our performance and information database.

Sustainability is a broad term that includes a large number of interconnected issues. In order to be achieved, it requires a shift in systems and mentality, and the adaptation of a regenerative approach so that we, as well as future generations, can live on the one earth that we have. In this context, this website will add more elements, data, and resources on corporate sustainability and ESG issues, as well as try to keep up with all the developments.